Manos Milonakis is a composer/producer/performer and an architect, born and raised in Thessaloniki, where he was trained in classical piano and music theory.
His first “conscious” musical steps were made in 2006 when, together with George Papadopoulos, they started the multi-instrumental musical duet of “Your Hand in Mine” (www.yourhandinmineband.com), which has been his main musical project until recently.
Being one of the two “Your Hand in Mine”, Manos was given the chance to get deeper into composition, music technology and street music, as well as to study and collect a large variety of instruments: wurlitzer piano, accordion, electric bass, guitars, percussion, stroh-violin, theremin, ukulele, glockenspiel, melodica, toy piano, music boxes, to name a few…
After 2014, Manos Milonakis continues as a solo artist, travels to Iceland and records his “Solfar EP”, in Reykjavik, with a local string quartet. Later on, he continues freelance composing for theatrical plays of the National Theatres of Greece and Romania, as well as for other independent productions, documentaries, online videos, jingles etc, while he is keen on performing live at selected places and occasions.
During the last couple of years, he has been releasing some of his scores for the theatre: (Festen, Moderna Records, 2017 / The Seagull, Piano & Coffee Records 2020)
Manos is also founder of “TM arxitektones” an architecture/design studio based in Thessaloniki, Greece.

